INFOWIZ Software Solutions offers stipend-based internship or free internship to engineering, polytechnic and management students in Chandigarh (Mohali). We provide stipend-based training to students of CSE, IT, Electronics, Mechanical, Civil, Electrical Engineering and Management like MBA, BBA etc. Infowiz Software Solution also provides stipend-based training to the job seekers..
At INFOWIZ students not only get professional workplace, specialized technical knowledge but also learn business basics in real time, so that they can contribute with solid commitment to whatever association they work for in future. Students also feel happy as they get a chance to achieve something along with learning.
An internship is a period of work experience offered by a company or organization for a limited time frame. An apprentice may be a secondary school student, a college and university student, or a post-graduate adult. These positions can be paid or unpaid and are temporary. Unpaid internships are usually through non-profit charity and research organizations that regularly have unpaid or volunteer positions. Organizations are regularly looking for interns and most find and place students for unpaid internships for a fee. These organizations charge students for helping with research and promise to refund the fees if they don’t get an internship. The program varies and aims to provide internship positions in legitimate organizations.
Register for Stipend Based/Free Internship At INFOWIZ Software Solutions, students not only get a professional workplace, specialized technical knowledge, but also learn the fundamentals of business, to make them successful in whatever company they work for in the future and contribute to it with firm commitment. Students feel extra excited as they get a chance to earn while learning.